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3 Good Habits That Can Drain Your Mental Energy

 Do you ever feel like you simply don’t have enough energy to get through the day?

You’re not alone.

According to a survey by National Safety Council, 76 percent of individuals feel fatigued throughout the day, 53 percent feel less productive, and 44 percent have problems concentrating.

It’s a common emotion. You’re working on a project, when suddenly your energy level dips. You’ve no drive to keep going, and you believe you can’t do anything well.

Maybe you even start feeling sad. It’s simple to go into a rut, but it’s not so easy to come out of it.

I’ve been there. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy on worthless things – from the commonplace to the more emotional and intimate.

That’s why I’ve been wanting to write this essay because I’ve been working on myself too.

Though I’ve grown better at prioritizing, I still fall into these mistakes often.

3 Good Habits That Can Drain Your Mental Energy

While many behaviors sap your mental energy but some do it unconsciously. These energy vampires initially comfort you, then make your feel useless.

In this essay, I’ll speak about those subtle behaviors that progressively erode your energy and bring you down. Anytime.

Read Also : 7 Simple Habits That Can Resolve 80% Of Your Issues

1. Always Looking For a Scapegoat

I was sitting in my bed at 3:15 AM. I recently woke up from a troubled sleep and realized it wasn’t for the first time.

I had been feeling fatigued for a long but did not know why. I looked back on my day to see what may have caused this, and then it struck me - every time anything went wrong, or I made a mistake, I made excuses instead of rectifying it.

I’d blame the dog, or explain that someone else screwed up, or simply brush it off with “it was an accident.” But recently, I noticed how much mental energy this practice stole from me!

Blaming others for your faults helps you feel good for a time. Then it kills you with regrets and remorse.

The difficulty with creating excuses arises from the lack of self-esteem. When you make a mistake(or acknowledge it), you feel dreadful.

Avoiding this unpleasant experience by blaming someone else is a normal but subtle and detrimental behavior. When excuses mount up, it becomes more difficult to remain responsible.

I’ve learnt that by creating fewer excuses, you’ll be doing yourself a favor in the long run.

Even if you fail at anything, it doesn’t mean that you have to beat yourself up about it.

Make a deliberate effort to concentrate less on the past and more on the future.

Incorporate this lesson into your routine, and your self-esteem will soar.

2. Basking In Self-Glory – “I am Right”

When I was younger, I was rebellious by nature. Very short-tempered. I used to get angry when people would offer me their thoughts on stuff that I didn’t care about.

For example, I would go to a restaurant with my family, and someone might complain that they didn’t enjoy the meal. It would spoil my supper. I would spend the remainder of the time thinking on their bad view instead of enjoying the company and the meal.

Now that I’m older, I’ve learnt to respect other people’s viewpoints. I don’t always agree with them, but at least I understand where they’re coming from.

If I still don’t agree, I’ll present my point gently and move on. I’ve also quit getting so worked up over things that don’t matter in the broad scheme of other essential things.

Everyone’s allowed to opine. Just because they don’t share your opinion doesn’t imply they’re incorrect.

When you respond to criticism and views, it causes so more damage than you can imagine:

  • You won’t quit overthinking.
  • You won’t appreciate their company.
  • You won’t love anybody.
  • You won’t get along with anybody.
  • People will ghost you.

And all these bad energy will come and strike you. They’ll inadvertently sap your mental energy if you don’t know how to defend yourself.

I usually ask myself this question anytime I feel the need to react: What do I want – peace of mind or prove myself right?

If I chose the latter choice, I question myself “why.”

“I am right” always conveys a message, “you’re wrong.”

One more thing I’ve learnt from the “I’ am right” mentality: No one cares what you do or think. Proving yourself correct will just make you appear inferior to others.

So, let people say what they want. It doesn’t affect your life until you accept them.

3. Feeding The Green-Eyed Monster

Jealousy pushes even the noblest individuals to become bad. That’s why it’s dubbed the “green-eyed monster.”

It’s like cancer that takes at your happiness and kills any possibility you have of being genuinely pleased. It leaves you feeling empty and alone.

Jealousy leads you into thinking that others don’t deserve what they have and that somehow, they’re doing anything wrong.

But the reality is, success seldom comes easily. It requires a lot of hard work, devotion, and sacrifice. Jealousy hinders you from perceiving this fact.

When you feel envious of someone’s achievement, remember this: \sJealousy is an indication that you desire what they have.

While it may be easy to feel envious, it’s crucial to remember that you do not envy successful individuals; you envy SUCCESS.

That’s why success justifies itself.

The only way to eliminate envy is appreciation.

Writing a gratitude notebook for 30 days will eradicate your envy. I bet. I have done this exercise. It made me more mindful of my successes and assets that today I believe I have more blessings than anybody else in this planet.

If you’re thankful, jealousy will naturally leave your collar.

Habits are challenging to break. Feel-good poisonous behaviors are considerably harder. But they’re worth the effort.

If you can cut down on even one of three seven energy-zapping habits, you’ll notice a rise in your overall energy levels and mood.

If you have any techniques up your sleeve for conquering feel-good bad behaviors – I’d love to hear them!