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How to Get Rid of Anxiety Right Now

 Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Anxiety is a typical reaction to uncertainty about what may happen next, whether it be in the next few minutes, days, or months.

Anxiety, according to mental health professionals, is fear about a threat that is still in the future. Thinking about a dreaded discussion, for example, might cause your stomach to clench up days before it occurs. Before a test or presentation, your heart may rush. You could wake up at night worrying about catching COVID-19 at the grocery store.

It's also natural to desire to get rid of those unpleasant, pit-of-the-stomach sensations as soon as possible. However, according to David H. Rosmarin, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, this method might make you feel more worried.

"When you worry about getting rid of your anxiety, you're telling your nervous system that there's even more to worry about." "And this exacerbates your anxiousness," he explains.

Remember that if your anxiety lasts for a long time and interferes with your everyday life, you may have an anxiety disorder. In that instance, you may require therapy to recover.

How to Get Rid of Anxiety Right Now

Accepting Anxiety Can Help You Feel Better

It's not what folks are expecting to hear. According to Rosmarin, who is also the founder of the Center for Worry in New York City, one of the most effective methods to alleviate periodic anxiety is to embrace it.

"Ironically, allowing worry to take its course in the present without resisting it makes it less." Fighting anxiety, on the other hand, is what frequently [triggers] a panic attack," he explains.

"And if your main plan is to distract yourself from your anxiety or avoid things that trigger it, you'll constantly be terrified of it." You'll always be the schoolyard bully because you've never learned to cope with it."

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, "the ideas you oppose endure."

Instead, try the following steps:

Recognize and comprehend your apprehension:

 "My nervous system is going into high gear because I'm anxious about [item X," tell yourself.

Instead of criticizing yourself, 

say, "This is a natural, healthy response by my body to these circumstances, which are challenging, stressful, or unpleasant." It's all OK to feel this way."

Recognize that you might be anxious while yet functioning normally:

 "You can function extremely well with nervousness, and you undoubtedly have," Rosmarin adds.

Consider an instance when you were apprehensive but nevertheless performed what needed to be done. Perhaps you were nervous before an event or a meeting. However, someone afterwards complimented you on a job well done.

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

When your worry becomes overpowering, these approaches can provide you with immediate, short-term relief.

Perform a reality check: Ask yourself the following questions:

  • On a scale of 1 to 100, how probable is it that the event I'm worried about will occur?
  • Do I have cause to believe things will go wrong?
  • Is it possible that I'm being unduly concerned?
Share your anxiety with someone you trust: Avoiding your worrisome thoughts might exacerbate them. Discuss them with a friend or family member who can help you put them in context.

Remind yourself that you are protected by doing the following: "When anxiety strikes, you may feel afraid or out of control, with your thoughts racing to all these unknowable future disasters," explains clinical psychologist Debra Kissen, PhD, CEO of Light On Anxiety CBT Treatment Centers in the Chicago region.

"Ask yourself, 'Is there a genuine risk in front of me, or am I truly secure at home and worrying about something that isn't a threat to me right now?'" she advises. "This way of thinking can help you anchor yourself in the present moment and recharge your brain and body, making you feel less stressed."

Redirect anxious energy: According to certified professional counselor Lisa Henderson, anxiety may be like a motor revving. "Take control of that energy and direct it somewhere," says Henderson, co-founder and CEO of Synchronous Health in Nashville.

"For example, if you're sitting there anxious, get up and walk or pace," she advises. "Spend a few minutes cleaning something." Take a 5-minute walk outside. Short bursts of movement can help to dispel nervous energy."

"Use a guided visualization app or simply imagine on your own," Henderson suggests. "A quick mental vacation can interrupt the vicious cycle of worried thoughts."

To experiment on your own, set a timer for a few minutes, close your eyes, and imagine yourself somewhere tranquil or cheerful.

"Letting your mind wander might work well if your anxiety stems from a sense of being controlled or handled," Henderson explains. "If your mind returns to worrisome thoughts, observe it without judgment and mentally tell your anxiety, 'I'll be with you in a moment.'" Then return to your dreaming."

You could choose an app that walks you through your thoughts to help you relax. Look for relaxing or meditation applications that interest you and give them a go.

Simply exhale and inhale slowly, evenly, and deeply for many breaths.

Change your position: "Do the opposite of whatever you're doing," Kissen advises. "Stand up and strike a Wonder Woman posture if you're slumped over with concern." Go wash your face with cold water if you're hiding behind a blanket. Changing your sensory experience can help you 'turn the channel' away from anxiety."

Use a mantra: According to Kissen, a mantra can help you change your focus away from nervous ideas that play over and over in your head.

"These ideas are unpleasant, but not harmful," she says, adding "This, too, will pass."

Make a plan for your anxiety: Choose a 15-minute period during the day to reflect on your worries. "During that moment, tell your brain to simply go for it and let the worried thoughts emerge," Kissen advises. "However, if they arrive after that hour, tell them, 'I'm happy to hear you, but please return tomorrow at 3 p.m.'"

"If you're laying in bed thinking about things for more than 5 minutes, get up and walk to another room and write down your fears," Kissen adds. "Go back to bed if you're weary, but get up again if you're worried." It may take a few nights of switching, but this practice can learn your brain that your bed is for sleep, not anxiety."

Do I Need Anxiety Treatment?

There are many things you can do on your own to ease anxiety, but occasionally you need assistance. The two basic therapies for anxiety disorders are psychotherapy and medication.

The following are indications that it is time to consult with a mental health professional:

  • Anxiety that is continual or practically constant.
  • Anxiety that interferes with your regular activities, such as job or social life.
  • Anxiety over things that do not genuinely endanger you.
  • Panic attacks occur.
Check your health insurance coverage to check if it covers mental health care. Then, go through a list of your in-network providers to discover one with whom you may connect.

"You don't want to add to your concern by paying large out-of-pocket expenses," Kissen advises.

Your primary care physician may also be able to refer you to a mental health specialist who has treated anxiety and anxiety problems.

Rosmarin emphasizes the importance of finding a provider with whom you connect and trust. He also claims that therapy does not have to last endlessly to be beneficial.

"A course of cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety may consist of eight to ten sessions," he explains. "There is also evidence that patients feel much better after only one treatment session for panic disorder."