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Pain in the right side of the heart: 7 causes and what to do

Pain in the right side of the heart: 7 causes and what to do

Often, right ventricular fibrillation is a symptom of extreme stress, physical pain, or a serious condition such as reflux esophagitis. However, heartburn, right or left, can occur for a number of reasons, including bowel problems, lung problems, and even heart problems. In all cases, pain will be considered and treated as necessary. If the pain is frequent, severe, prolonged, or if you have other symptoms such as tingling in your arms and face, shortness of breath or weakness, call an ambulance or is to go to the hospital immediately. . These symptoms can be life-threatening.

Common causes of chest pain include:

1. Anxiety and stress

High stress and anxiety are two conditions that can cause stress and can cause heart attacks — such as symptoms, such as immediate chest pain. In shock, there is usually more pain in the middle of the heart, but it can spread several times to the right side of the body. In addition to chest pain, other symptoms such as shortness of breath, shortness of breath, limb stiffness, and sweating may occur. Unlike heart disease, stress usually occurs after extreme stress, and heart pain goes away within minutes. 

How: The best way to deal with stress is to calm your body and control your breathing. Going to a quiet place and drinking valerian or chamomile tea can help. If you still have severe chest pain or think you have a heart attack, call an ambulance or go to the hospital right away.

2. Nerve tension

Another cause of pain in the right side of the heart is the arteries. They usually last a day or two after the exercise with the heart muscle. These activities may be intentional (such as working out in the gym) or not (as a roof painting). Heart failure can cause short-term muscle damage, which does not cause immediate pain, but can occur after a few days. Other symptoms of pectoral dislocation include tenderness, slight swelling, and difficulty moving arms. Treatment: Apply an ice pack on the affected area for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times daily to reduce pain. You can use a gentle massage on the affected area. If the pain persists within 3 days, special treatment may be needed, so it is recommended that you be examined by a doctor or healthcare professional. 

3. Acid reflux (or GERD)

Acid reflux, also called heart disease, is a condition in which acid builds up in the esophagus and causes inflammation (especially after a meal). This discomfort can cause pain over time and can affect the right or left heart area. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is often associated with other symptoms, such as frequent belching, bitter taste in the mouth, sore throat, and dry cough. How: Depending on your weight, simple dietary changes, such as not overeating and avoiding fatty and spicy foods, can help reduce reflux symptoms. However, antacids are sometimes needed. If food intolerance persists, it is wise to consult a gastroenterologist to begin appropriate treatment. 


Costchondritis is rare, but it can cause heartburn. There is usually pain in the middle of the chest, but it can radiate to the right or left.

It occurs when the cartilage that connects the breast to the ribs burns due to strong changes, severe coughing, or even tissue damage. Costchondritis causes pain in the heart area, usually caused by coughing or deep breathing. How to do it: Costochondritis is a temporary problem that gets worse after a few days without special treatment. However, stretching and applying ice packs for 15 to 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times daily in the affected area, can reduce pain and discomfort. Antibiotics can also help with inflammation. 

5. Diseases of the liver or gallbladder

The gallbladder and liver are the two inner parts of the abdominal cavity on the right side of the body. You may experience pain in the right side when it causes pain or does not work. Abdominal pain is common, but sometimes the pain spreads to the heart. In addition to pain, problems with the gallbladder or liver can cause other symptoms, such as vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and jaundice. How: If you have inflammation of the gallbladder or liver problems, it is important to see a gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Inflammation of the gallbladder is usually severe, especially if the gallbladder is blocked with stones. In these cases, severe pain, fever and vomiting may occur. If this happens, go to the hospital immediately. 

6. lung problems

Many lung problems can cause heartburn, especially after breathing. In addition to the pain, you may also experience cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and fever. Lung problems are usually after a heart attack (such as a car accident) or in people with heart disease or pneumonia.

7. Heart problems

One of the biggest concerns with heart rate is that it can be a heart problem. Although the heart often does not cause pain in the right side, heart problems can cause fractures in the right side, especially if the heart muscle is damaged. Heart problems are more common in the elderly, those with other chronic illnesses, or in hospital patients with serious illness. Heart disease is often painful and can lead to depression. Other symptoms such as palpitations, coughs, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath may also occur. What to do: If you think your heart attack is affecting your heart, you can go to the hospital or call an ambulance right away to confirm the diagnosis and start fixing it. see a doctor

Pain in the right side of the heart usually goes away after a few minutes, and if it does, then there is no cause for concern. However, a doctor's diagnosis is the only way to find out why. It is best to go to the hospital if:

  • The pain gets worse or worse over time.
  • The pain lasts more than 15 minutes.
  • Other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, fever, or shortness of breath
Also, the elderly and those with chronic illness, especially those with respiratory or heart problems, should see a doctor, as pain may indicate a more serious illness and may require medical attention.