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Here's How To Motivate You To Weight Loss

Here's How To Motivate You To Weight Loss

Body weight is one of the obstacles in doing some activities, excessive weight is very inhibiting you will definitely think to weight loss.
Maybe by reading some of these motivational words you will be moved in reducing your weight.

1.Eat a protein-heavy breakfast

Even if you aren’t hungry when you wake up, put down a breakfast focused on lean protein—two or three eggs, piece of toast, and half an avocado—and not one centered on processed, sugary grains drowned in milk.
Morning fuel has been shown to tamp down binges later in the day and boost metabolism. And for more tips on shedding pounds, take a look at the

2. Brush your teeth more often

To limit any craving or dessert binges after eating your dinner, try loading up the toothbrush and giving your pearly whites a scrub. The minty flavor and clean teeth will shut down your appetite and prevent you from wanting to indulge anymore.

3. Set a short-term goal.

Sometimes having a goal that seems far away can be daunting and overwhelming. Instead, break it goal into smaller, short-term goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, instead, focus on losing one pound in a week or two weeks, and keep going with that until you're at your long-term goal. If you've hit a weight-loss plateau, take the focus off the scale and make some behavior-related goals that'll pay off in the long run, like eating an extra serving of veggies at every meal or hitting 10,000 steps each day.

4. Clean Out Your Closet

If you're struggling to stick with your weight loss moitvation, practice integrity in other areas of your life, suggests Andre Farnell, a certified strength and conditioning coach and owner of Better Body Expert. Clean out your closet (finally), pay off your debts, make good on your promises to friends, family, or co-workers. Practice sticking with promises or commitments you've made in other areas of your life in order to strengthen your own subconscious belief that you are able to uphold the promise to lose weight that you've made to yourself, Farnell says.

5. Build Your "Business Plan"

Any successful venture requires a plan that describes its mission and specifics on how to achieve it--without one, you have no idea where you're starting, where you're going, or how you'll get there, says Jenn Walters, a certified personal trainer and co-founder of Fit Bottomed Girls. Treat your goal as a business objective; If you were trying to accomplish something for a client, you probably wouldn't start out without a strategy. Once you've determined exactly what you want to achieve and your deadline, work backwards to create a monthly plan of action with realistic and specific goals for losing weight (such as committing to healthy snacking) and free of ineffective strategies like extreme cleanses or fasting.

6.Get an accountability buddy.

You don't have to go it alone. Some people find that having an accountability buddy to check in with periodically can be motivating. (Here's exactly how the buddy system can help you.) You can cheer each other on, share your struggles, and trade tips. Just be careful: If you catch yourself slipping into a competitive mindset or getting down on yourself when your partner does "better" than you, you might be better off without them. (Learn more about how joining an online support group could help you finally meet your goals.)

7.Weigh yourself constantly

If there’s one trick successful doers always do, it’s weighing themselves. Along with tracking your fitness goals and counting calories, keeping close tabs on your weight has been shown to assist in losing and, especially once it’s gone, keeping off the pounds.
Splurge on one of the new connected smart scales that will report your progress to your smartphone complete with heart rate, bone density, and muscle mass measurements. Or just get a cheap-o from the department store. Just get on it everyday to keep yourself honest.

8.Keep a strict sleep schedule

Scientists now know that getting consistent and restorative sleep each night is one of the keys to a healthier life and lower body weight. Tips to make sure you’re maximizing snooze time include setting up a dark, cool bedroom; cutting off screen time to an hour before bed, no caffeine or alcohol a few hours before sleeping, and sticking to a solid sleep schedule.